Weekend Review

Janie loves to cheese it up with her Da-da! (he asks her "who wants to go with me?" and she says "MEEE!!!" and then he asks her "Who is a stinker?" and she goes "DA-DA!!" hehe. Kat, Oliver and Baby Lauren stayed to hang out through the weekend so we got lots of baby snuggles and cousin time in! Other than that we had a pretty mellow weekend with the girls....

We had some friends and Kat, Mark, Sarah and kids over Friday night for pizza and let the kids all run wild in the creek. There were 10 kids under 5 - it looked like a daycare in our playroom :)

Big girl Francie with Lauren 

Kat and I with the babies heading downtown for dinner Saturday night (Heff took the picture while we pretended to be sister wives :) I think that lady in the background is looking at us like we are crazy

Fiesta Vallarta mexican restaurant for dinner!

Sunday morning painting project (Francie built a ramp with Dad and then they both painted it pink and purple for the cats of course)

JJ must be on a growth spurt - she's been sleeping from 8:30/9:30pm to 11/11:30AM every day for a week! I go in to check on her and get no love. She's OUT!

Awake after everyone else had breakfast for cold eggs and OJ - no complaints just smiles from the well rested baby.

and we finished the closet project! Might add curtains or something but it's mostly done. Next is the laundry room project

Both days we walked the girls down through the Art and Wine festival on our street in Lincoln Park. Ice cream, beers, corn dogs and lemonade while we listened to the bands and looked at the sometimes pretty and sometimes wow-really? art ;)

France - we got some new Lilly Pulitzer shift dresses (their favorite item of clothing in summer and mine too since they wash so well and they can dress themselves!) in bigger sizes for France since we are fully stocked on 5 and under but needed some 6x and 7 with room to grow :) we get them on eBay (jannie hooked me) for a steal - you can go shop now too all my auctions have ended and Heff will be very happy if someone stops my from having any more ebay packages arriving at the house.

Maisie is a dancing queen - and growing up and getting braver! She is pretty shy but it's fun to see her coming out of her shell. Heff took her to "church school" (children's mass at 9:15 where the kids go to the other building for 15 minutes during homily) since she got kicked out when she was 2 for not being 3 yet and was so upset! She was SO PROUD to finally be able to go - Kat and I were home with the 4 other kids who were all a little out of sorts but Heff said she had a little sheepish grin on her face walking down the isle all by herself to join the big kids and came back so proud of her drawings she made for her sisters (I think they were supposed to be for Jesus ;) She also ordered a second corn dog all by herself and wanted more quarters to get more ketchup. The girls loves her condiments!

and Little J is a terror on wheels one minute and a little love/cuddle girl the next. We'll take her!

The neighbors asked Francie to join their "Nature Helper's" club. She said yes of course ;) They hunted our backyard and took photos and wrote in their nature journal - they found a Banana Slug and a huge lizard and had lunch in their "clubhouse". Right up Francie's alley.

and I got to do lots of this...

and Francie is still doing lots of this.... Happy Monday!