Thursday Swim Day

Thursday morning we went swimming with Emmy, the girl, Kat, Donald Oliver and Lauren (well Lauren slept in her carseat :) Francie is a fish, Maisie doesn't like to get her hair wet and Janie just launches herself in with no plans of what to do once she gets under. Keeps us on our toes by the pool!

I love that Maisie said "It's ok Mom I can wear these broken ones - they still work." :)

Terror Baby on the loose

Emmy and her crew! (Emmy is going to Claire's Boston College graduation next week- we are going to miss her!!!)

Home for naps - JJ sleeping and I told the girls they could have 10 minutes of quiet time to play before Maisie nap. I found them in the front yard with a picnic so Kat and I joined them for an hour. Good way to avoid naptime Maisie!

Lauren getting some Vitamin D