Happy Birthday Grampa!



Momday night we celebrated my Dad's birthday at my parents house. They just finished their big kitchen remodel and spruced up the side area (bye bye trampoline yard!) with a garden path and a fountain. It all looks awesome!!

My dad got live lobsters for a family feed - what a treat! Tiny was terrified but Francie was fearless πŸ˜‰ I think the rubber bands helped. 

Nothing better than Emmy double trouble! Cousins in pink 


Jannie's new love bird swing - for two or three ladies (and matching summer dresses, thanks Lisa Fuerst!!)


Tiny was so proud of herself 


Kids table set - nobody does it better than Jannie!


Not thrilled that they are moving but Grampary keeps her safe 


And Uncle Jerry let's them tease him all day long


Cutest couple around serving up their crew of kids - we are pretty lucky!


Memorial Day dinner - summer is here


Big kids table


And ice cream cake to celebrate Grampa - we love you Dad!!


Always fun at Jannie and Grampa's house!! That flagstone better hold up to one zillion tricycle laps around the fountain in the next few years!


Scarlett's Baptism

Scarlett was baptized at Nativity church - we all went to celebrate (except Brian who was on his Alaska hunting trip) and had a great time. We tried to sneak Tess' head under the holy water - we have yet to baptize her!! But it was a beautiful day to celebrate our little buddy Scarlett James.

Emmy and Tiny!

we always warn Jannie about the "cheeese" face - ;)

I rushed out of the house with all four dressed in their Sunday best pretty proud of myself we got there on time - until I noticed Maisie's zipper was broken and her dress was wide open in church! hair bow saved the day

cute godfather Uncle Jerry

she's a Catholic!

big girls after church with Cousin Ella - she is so sweet with them!

and throw Tiny in the mix

Baby Ann Sleepover!

ABA came back from Nashville for Em's shower this weekend and we got to pick her up at the airport Thursday night and bring her back to sleep HERE (couldn't believe Jannie was going to let her not stay there - until I realized Jannie was coming to sleepover too!) The girls were so excited Francie was standing by the door at 6pm with a backpack on to go to the airport even though her flight didn't get in til 8:30pm. ABA read tons of books to the girls and as requested slept in Francie's twin bed with her!

JJ wouldn't look at my camera so I told her there was spider inside. She looks terrified and confused ;)

so I tried the "show me your teeth!" tactic - neither are good choices for JJ apparently (but look at those teeth! coming back down after they were shoved half way up the gums after the chair fall!)

Tess did not like my attempt at a self-taken picture of us. I know Tess it was a lame idea.

one of my favorite books... but

ABA wondering why they torture Aunts with the longest, hardest to read books ever

Maisie tried to make her feel better

and then Grampa dropped Jannie off for a double sleepover after they had dinner with friends. Jannie heard Tessa still crying at 1am and came and got her from me - I laid down for 5 minutes that turned into 2 hours and came down to find Jannie on the couch with a sleeping baby on her knees. She said she didn't want to risk moving after she got her down - and Jannie didn't even have her iPhone with her to play Words with Friends!! What a good mom :) THANK YOU JANNIE!

Three beds for the three babes!

lots of fun for the girls to have a PJ party with some of their favorite people :)