Laundry Room Organized

I know full well I am opening myself up for ridicule by posting these OCD pictures of the way I set up our laundry room :) I am counting the minutes until my sister calls me to tell me I am (a) a huge dork and (b) way too Duggar-ish. I deserve it! It's hard to keep track of matching outfits AND three sets of clothes that are very similar in size so I obsess a little on the clothes organization. I'm really bad at actually doing the laundry well (stains go to Jannie's for rescue 911) but organizing I can handle.

We "built out" the laundry room when we moved in (still rough with exposed ducting etc in the basement/storage off the playroom on the bottom floor, most of the house is upstairs on ground level) The laundry was upstairs off the garage but we made that a pantry and used this fairly empty space down here for laundry, a craft room and lots more storage.

This is what we start with - the laundry piles up in a big basket under the laundry chute that comes from the girls' bathroom. It's never ending!

This weekend Heff put a shelf up for me for bins - I made little labels for what goes where. We fold stuff in the bins until they pile up then take them upstairs and unload in the right drawers/places. It does make it a lot easier for the bigger girls to help out!!

The bins... you can make fun of my little illustrator "clip arts" I drew too.

Mom and Dad section (far less organizing needed :)

like the label for Heff?

Dresses to be hung on hangers upstairs

don't worry if the world falls apart - we've got laundry detergent covered over here

towels and bedding over to the left

The little stuff section - newly emptied bins for swim suits and undies Francie just took up and dumped in the shared drawers!

I have another system for separating which clothes go to which girls... the "Dot System" I saw on MckMama's blog. The oldest gets 1 black sharpie dot on the label of each item. The second gets 2 black dots, third kid 3 black dots and so on. So when we take the leggings or shirt bins up they get put in three piles based on dots (I admit this helps my nice cleaning ladies too ;) The other stuff like swim suits, undies, socks, dresses all gets put in the same spot since it's pretty easy to figure out whose is whose for these.

Ready for folding and putting away! We inherited this laundry table from my parents, it works great since it has a lip on it (throw loads of clean clothes on and nothing falls off). My grandpa bought two of them and my parents had one growing up. If we misbehaved our punishment was to fold all the laundry on this table... good memories ;)

*the bins (that aren't mis-matched) are from The Container Store and here and from Target!

and next I'll have to post the Playroom organization project we did last month, I never took pics and it's still a work in progress but this makes me happy seeing everything in it's place and labeled!