Scarlett's Baptism

Scarlett was baptized at Nativity church - we all went to celebrate (except Brian who was on his Alaska hunting trip) and had a great time. We tried to sneak Tess' head under the holy water - we have yet to baptize her!! But it was a beautiful day to celebrate our little buddy Scarlett James.

Emmy and Tiny!

we always warn Jannie about the "cheeese" face - ;)

I rushed out of the house with all four dressed in their Sunday best pretty proud of myself we got there on time - until I noticed Maisie's zipper was broken and her dress was wide open in church! hair bow saved the day

cute godfather Uncle Jerry

she's a Catholic!

big girls after church with Cousin Ella - she is so sweet with them!

and throw Tiny in the mix

Cousin Campout


Last weekend we all got together with the Heff siblings for the "1st Annual 36-hour Pizza Oven Party Campout Bash!" Sarah had suggested we celebrate all the spring birthdays together so we rounded the troops and gathered at our house for the weekend April 5-7. It's not easy to move this group so we decided to stay put, cook three meals a day in the piza oven and camp on the island in the backyard. We split up meal duties and cocktaiul duties (equally important) and let the kids run wild! 

That's some serious cousin love

Francie and Izzy - BFFs

line um up and make um play Simon Says to get a photo op :)

Simon Says stick your fingers in your ears. #workseverytime

these three boys gotta stick together

Jumping for joy

brothers on the BBQ

Friday Night Dinner


and breakfast Saturday morning

just like camping! (only not ;)


FOUR baby girls - the tail end of 15 cousins

Oldest three out of four (Ellie was busy cranking out potholders) Izzy, Kate and Francie

Ellie on the trike hauling kids

The island campout got moved to the grass in the backyar d- it had rained a bit and the creek was too high to risk crossing in the middle of the night for a potty break :)


lots of Dirt and Sunshine (or mud and cloudy weather but still...)


Craig's cocktail supplies and my pretty birthday flowers from my girls at work


Saturday mid-day trip to let the kids (and adults!) play at the arcade and check out The Makery - Oma and ALL her chicks!


White Ladies and Sidecars


Saturday Night pizza making! Jannie brought all the essentials


Matching PJ's from Aunt Kat and Oma!


Saturday afternoon run for more provisions (no kids, just needed empty stroller to haul the booze. totally normal)


The fire that burned for 3 days!


Sunday morning Mark made HOMEMADE bagels. From scratch. they were amazing!


Picnic in the front yard while the dads packed up the tents and cars - what a fun weekend!


Easter at Jannie and Grampa's

We went over to Jannie and Grampa's for Easter afternoon for lots of fun with cousins.

Francie with her buddies Caroline and Brooke

and it isn't a party til Jannie brings out the Cascarones!

I got to demonstrate the crackin egg technique on Drew- good sport Drewby!

Mimi practicing

sister smash!

Emmy let Tessa "pretend" to get her :)

Wine and confetti - happy UJ

Beautiful Emmy and her buddy Tiny Tess

Jannie and her girls! (just missing Scarlet James!)

and then it was egg cracking contest time (a Greek Easter tradition we adopted! Last egg end to crack wins)

Line up

last ones standing - Jerry and Heff...

Jerry wins!

basking in the glory -

... but notice quiet little Maisie in the corner...

Maisie still had an uncracked egg! (questionable if she cracked with anyone ;)

Jerry ready to take her down - (no a godfather would never do that...)

and it's MAISIE for the win!!

pretty happy about it

and then on to pizza making

if anyone in the family will want to be in the restaurant business - it's this one. (don't worry, we'll tell her to wise up)

pass the baby time

and trike rides

aw such a sad face for cousin kate!

the teenage boy cousins - Luke, James and Drew are very patient with the baby girls!

and where's crazy J been in these pictures? Oh there she is :)


Heff's Birthday Party


For Heff's big 41 this year we had a mellow day with the girls and then hosted a birthday dinner with some of his friends at Bumble. We had a special Valentines dinner for the kids in the playroom and a white linen pre-fix menu for the adults to sit back and enjoy - it was delicious and a fun way to mix it up at Bumble for a special occasion... Heff's birthday of course (Valentines Day who?)


One of the families that came had three girls, 9, 7 and 5 but Francie clung on to the oldest like glue ("it's an oldest thing mom") and thy claimed one of the adult tables as their own for a sweet little dinner date :) the converstaion was amazing since this girl HUNTS with her dad. (pretty much maide Heff's birthday this relationship blossomed )


little girls with their buddies Emily and Tracy


and it's not a party until JJ breaks out the Wild Turkey
