Wednesday with Cousins


Wednesday Kat, Oliver and Baby Lauren came to stay with us for a few days!! The girls were so excited, Maisie loves a baby, especially "Lornen" We had Mark and the girls over for dinner Wednesday night since Sarah was traveling and the cousins got some good creek play time in.

Wednesday morning we had a cool show at PLAY called "Furs, Scales and Tales" - the guy was hilarious and had 20 or so different animals.  Francie is a snake holding expert now.

Janie "Lennie Small" likes to squeeze them - watch out pets ;) 

When we got home Maisie helped me with a project in the girls room - pink closet! 

Watermelon break with cousins before dinner


Oliver and JJ (he runs around yelling "JJ!" all day, it's so cute) She is looking liek a boy, I know - but look at that hair coming in!

Firts one at the table for a "color dinner" (whatever makes them eat it :)

Hanging out with Lauren - so fun to have a newborn in the house!!