Tuesday Night Dinner

Tuesday night we walked down to Casa Lupe when Heff got home from work for dinner - the girls were pretty tired after Francie had Bing and Maisie/Janie had "too much fun" with Emmy then the big girls had Farm School at Hidden Villa all afternoon but we rallied since it was so nice out and we had nothing planned tomake for dinner.  Maisie wanted to Ergo on my back....

 - but fell asleep half way down the street on the way!

and stayed like that until her food came.

Janie LOVES her rice and beans :)

There's Maisie Moo making a mess

I love her expressions ;)

Dad and France with a "look". Heff snuck a picture of me taking pictures and Instagramed it with "caught instagraming." busted.

Little Hood Rat ready to walk home