
Just a few random updates from my iPhone the past week!... 

JJ ready for bed in a hand-me-down nightgown and crocs :)

Francie helped one of the girls at Bumble by participating in a research study for her, she worked for almost 2 hours at the back table at Bumble during our Bumble work day (we closed for some painting and kitchen upgrades) Kahana asked her a few hard words and when she asked 'curiosity' Francie said "Ohhhh. My mom hasn't told me that one yet!"


Love her official signature :)

All the hard working Bumble crew taking a break for pizza lunch while the kitchen was torn apart - come check out Bumble, it's sparkling!



Mother's Day brunch at Bumble with the family - Grampa and the little ladies relaxing on the new benches out front


Running home for a creek play-date with Clara Marie

and Saturday night we went to the East Bay for Brian's college friends combined 40th Birthday bash at Pyramid Alehouse Brewery - a Caddy Shack theme! It was so fun for him to see his old buddies... the East Bay is only an hour across the bridge but we never seem them - it was a fun night even if I was the DD ;)

France going to school Tuesday with her new lunch bag she got from Kahana as a thank you - she LOVES it

and Maisie Moo on the fence at Bumble making sure everyone is following the rules. She's the sandbox deputy (from outside the sandbox for a few days until her toes gets better, poor thing!)

Janie rough and tumble ready to dive in

Maisie back home - caught Ziggy for a fleeting minute, cat looks super happy :)

and it's Troopy time! Trying to decide if we take the top off this summer - Heff got new restraints for the back so now we have 2 booster and 1 carseat that don't move an INCH on the benches back there. Summer here we come!