Needlepoint Party

Monday night Jannie's group of needlepoint friends (who meet every Monday to knit/needlepoint/etc) got together to celebrate that four of them have daughters or daughters in law expecting a baby! So they've all been busy making baby blankets and baby things to spoil the babies-to-be. We had pizza in the backyard at Jannie and Grampa's and the girls all got to come - they thought that was pretty cool but didn't understand why boys weren't invited (Grampa was watching Seinfeld in the family room)

Fun night and I LOVE the new blanket Jannie knit for baby #4 - COLORS! (we decided we need a new knit for each baby in the hospital - otherwise it's hard ot tell which baby it is in photos!) Isn't it pretty?

Big girl JJ on the "Hooose"

Taking turns on the trike wagon (Janie screaming "No! No!" to her sisters if they get a turn - gotta work on sharing :)

Round and round

Monkey on the bars

What a big baby!

Francie on clearing the dishes duty - found a way to make it easier :)

Jannie and her trikes - and girls!