The Big Toe Incident

Friday afternoon we were hanging out by the pool at Rosewood (Jannie and Grampa were staying there for Mother's Day) and Brian took Maisie and Janie home to nap while Francie stayed to swim.  Makings of a great afternoon until after naps he promised Maisie a lillipop on their way back to Rosewood and stopped at the liquor store - where the huge (dirty) metal door opened over Maisie's big toe in her new pink saltwater sandal and just mangled her big toe and nail!! I got a text from Brian that said CALL ME!" - not a good sign! I met them at urgent care and Brian was doing a great job juggling a screaming Maisie and a "What the heck is going on?" Janie.  It wasn't broken so we just cleaned and bandaged - Maisie is a TROOPER!

DO NOT LOOK if you are squimish (i made it small - borderline inapprop to even post this gruesome picture but it has to show how bad it was!)


Trying to be brave on Dad's lap with the infamous lollipop (he grabbed and told the guy at the store he'd pay next time for!)

Janie just being a rascal as usual in Urgent Care

Back to Rosewood to pick up Francie (hiding because she doesn't want to go home or something) - resting up Maisie's little foot.

and since the incident - she has him wrapped around her little finger, he feels so bad!

 Monday morning special lunch date with Mom and Dad by herself after a check in with the pediatrician - milkshake for Maisie :) 

Dad is on wound care - he's an expert

and very patient to read her books while it soaks - I told you wrapped around his finger!!  Maisie you are a brave girl... it should heal without much problem will just take awhile!