Cats. Outta The Bag

As my sister said when I called her to tell her we have cats in our house - "Well, Hell just froze over." I am not a cat person but when Ollie died the house did seem pretty empty with no pets and these kitties were looking for a good home (from a friend who was moving).  Francie has been BEGGING for cats forever - when we had the excuse Ollie didn't like cats, she would move furniture to make a cave in her room and say "look - I made a safe place the cats can live - pleeeease?!" So we gave in. We now have TWO cats.  As you can see from the baby Bjron above - Francie is OBSESSED.

Maisie is like her mom :) no she likes them but the one she "picked" is the Orange one Francie won't put down- who came with the name Dexter - but she calls HIM Penny and got him a purple rhinestone collar with a princess crown name tag. The other tiny one is Ziggy but is too fast to be cuaght most of the time :)


Francie finally caught a picture of Ziggy on camera in the pantry sink

furball- Maisie's face cracks me up.


They add to the craziness around here - but no complaints, they make the girls pretty happy and are easy so far.