Tessa 7 weeks

Tess is 7 weeks old as of Sunday- and smiling now! She is such a sweet baby. She has her cry-it-out time for 1-2 hours every night but it's getting better and better... and after that screaming fest she sleeps most of the night except 1-2 times to eat and go right back to bed. She lounges in our bed until 10am too so no big complaints here. Her sisters love to smoother her with "holds" and kisses and she;s a pretty good sport about it. We feel very lucky to have this cute little squishy newborn with us all day long!

Faces of Tessa - her little tear duct is still blocked, we went to a specialist at LPCH last week and are hoping it clears up by next week or she would need surgery, really hoping that isn't the case

she likes to hang out with Dad when he isn't "taken" by her big sisters

and she loves to be held more than anything else so we spend a lot of time doing this -

or more likely when I need to get stuff done - wrapped up like this

she is a good little snuggler

and goes along with whatever we are doing - most of the time without a fight!

Maisie could hold Tess 100 times a day if I'd let her (Francie likes to tell me what to do with Tess but is a little less interested in the maternal role - Maisie is all baby all the time like I always was!)

fun to watch you getting bigger Tess, but slow down :)