Berkeley Day

Sunday we piled in the car to drive to the East Bay and hit five stops in Berkeley for some house stuff - Berkeley has all the cool stores but MAN I don't like leaving my bubble :) It was a little (ok- a lot) crazy trying to shop in that town on a Sunday with four little kids. Heff was calm and cool but I realized for the first time that FOUR kids five and under is actually a bit nuts! Good thing I don't venture out very often :) They were pretty well behaved for antique shopping and lighting store shopping - but Maisie stepped in something so foul on the streets of Berk I won't even blog it! But we had to ditch her shoes and carry her the rest of the day, at one point SHE was in my Moby wrap, haha it looked ridic. And it was dirty and crowded and I'm a big whimp. But we got a few of the thigs we needed and headed back over the bridge happy to be home.

First Stop - a "California Home" store entirely dedicated to Arts & Crafts style Craftsman furniture (the style of our new house) it was amazing to see all the stuff we have been looking at online all in one place! Were on the hunt for a dining room table but nothing big enough. Good to know about this store!


Then Urban Ore salvage yard. We used to come here often when we were fixing up our little house on McKendry. It's pretty awesome (except that time I mistook a public urinal trough for a "cool outdoor garden sink" GROSS) We were looking for a few matching brass pulls for the kitchen but no luck. We told the girls they each had an "eye spy" to look out for. Francie's was something silver and gold, Maisie's was something with four squares and JJ's was a flying pig. FOUND IT.

They found the "used bike parts" corner and screamed JACKPOT!! JJ wore this old broken Dora helmet the rest of the time we looked around. She looked special.

crazy kids in a salvage yard - always entertaining

Then we hit up The Wooden Duck for a more rustic dining room table. Good options but takes 12 weeks to make. What? I don't wait that long for anything but a gestating baby.

Then downtown for Rejuvination lighting and lunch - We felt a little out of place in Bezerkeley in our F-250 :)