Baby Shower for Beth

Saturday we went to a Baby Shower for my cousin Beth who is due with her first on January 10 - a girl! Beth is second of the four "Brady Girls" and my Great Aunt Marge (maisie's namesake) is her grandmother/my grandmother's sister) It's so much fun to see the four Brady girls so close as adults knowing my girls will hopefully have that much fun one day! We had a nice lunch celebrating Beth and her baby girl on the way...

GiGi Marge and Tessa in the blanket she gave her

JJ was a lucky girl and got to go to Vasona Park with Grampa (aka BACK-A-WA) while we lunched - she loved it!

he dropped her off at the end to come in and say hi

Cousin Molly (the oldest like me :) was up from Santa Ana without her two cute kids - she was nice to entertain JJ with her phone pictures

This is kind of a crazy story - Beth's friend from Hollister saw Tess in her striped Jannie knit blanket and said "I LOVE that blanket! I just pinned one on Pinterest and told my mom she has to make me one just like that when I have a baby - I saved it on my phone and I've been showing all my friends, it's like the same blanket." I told her Jannie made it so it must be a similar design on Pinterest or something - she brings me her phone and says "See this is the blanket" and I said "HEY THAT'S MY BABY!" It was a picture of TESS from the hospital in this blanket that's been circulating on Pinterest. That's just crazy!!!!

All the "Sheehy" girls

Can't wait to meet Baby Potts!