Randoms and Build-A-Bear

nothing very exciting to blog but random, blurry instagram pictures! This week the highlight was when Emmy and I were hanging out with the girls after a PJ morning and I didn't have too much to do at work so we jumped in the car and headed to Valley Fair (our old favorite stomping grounds!) for pretzels, play place, Build and Bear and a few quarter eating rides.

Valley Fair's new playplace! (only slightly less germy than the old one :)

and Build-A-Bear… of course they had Ariel outfits

Bathtime for the new Playroom friends - this is "Hug Bug"

Maisie got a fuzzy blue bear (her favorite color) but decided she needed Ariel outfit too (over Buzz or Woody surprisingly!) but picked an extra Cars shirt and Cars slippers for her bear "Hug Bug" she can be a little tom-boy with her taste!

and a random cute picture of Dad and Janie in her first bow and Princess ballet outfit her sister's gave her for Christmas (they were sooo excited about this little outfit)