Cousins in Red Bluff for Christmas

What a week we had in Red Bluff! It's always a treat to get to continue Christmas on the 26th… 27th… 28th… and on and on :) Makes post Christmas let down a lot easier. Red Bluff was awesome. We celebrated family Christmas, went on a hayride to a campfire excursion, did a little playroom makeover, tore up the barn and swings, played with the animal menagerie, celebrated Oma and Nana's 64th birthday, threw a little "sprinkle" celebration for Maureen's surprise baby on the way and made the most of RV life in the driveway (with bathroom/showers/meals in the house - cheaters! :) Thanks for another fun week Oma and Opa!

some of my favorite photos from the week…

Oma and her brood of grandkids

What she is REALLY thinking… HA :)

Santa's Elves

I wish I could remember what Francie was so mad about!

We tried ;)

more craziness...

Oma made ALL FIVE FAMILIES these awesome quilts for Christmas - so warm and cozy!!

The little buddies got Camelbaks from Oma- they were OBSESSED

the line up

board game time with patient Aunt Maureen

Thursday trip out to a ranch for some down in the dirt fun (don't worry JJ is usually facing backwards- we threw carseats in Oma's truck)


On the hay truck bed and "cheers"-ing with the hot chocolate in new thermoses from Oma

Let's go!

Sweet Caroline

My cute godson Thomas flashing a smile

What you mad about Baby J?

the BFF's

Stop taking pictures Mom- let's go.

ready to roast hot dogs and marshmallows

Two of Uncle Ducky's biggest fans

Look who's standing!

Bow practice with Uncle Brian

Gathered round the campfire

Thanks to Doug and his family for donating the fun afternoon to a charity auction and to Oma for buying it!

heading home for NAPS

Ladies only Baby "Sprinkle" (aka little shower) at Kat's house for Maureen- due with surprise baby number 4 on April 9!

Happy Birthday to the twins!

Kids table in the new Family Room

and the big table

Love this Oliver

Friday we took a trip out to Maureen and Dougs house in Chico for some running around and lunch

lunch for 20 at the Indian restaurant in town - kids managed to not even spill 1 glass by some miracle

bedtime in the RV - Janie slept in a pack and play in the back bathroom (turns out 39 foot RV's have TWO bathrooms?! more than our old house!), Francie took the table turned bed and Maisie got a couch. Not a bad set up for a house on wheels!

Janie attacking Maisie and Francie getting her "Mole-e" fix on dad's arm (don't ask - we have weird children)

packing up "home sweet RV home" to head HOME on New Years Day

Rest stop PB&J sandwich making on the ride home

Fueling up with the truckers (my favorite part of the whole trip was leaving here when Heff passed the line of trucks parked for breaks/sleeping and Heff said "watch out for Lot Lizards" so Francie asked 40 times over the next hour what Lot Lizards were

My driver - 10 and 2!

and that's a wrap on Christmas 2011!