Weekend Recap

We had one of the best weekends on record at the Heffs House- doing almost nothing!! We had not a single thing planned and anything we ended up doing was spur of the moment and very relaxing. We ended up going on an awesome date night thanks to Emmy, having lunch with our old buddies the Keeps (Francie was ecstatic!), cleaning out the garage and getting rid of some baby gear, putting Christmas officially away, having Friday night dinner with friends, Sunday night Sushi with Maddie and Emmy to check out their cute apartment and taking a 2 hour whiole family nap Sunday afternoon - might have been the highlight!

Weekend in photos...

Friday night dinner with friends

Saturday clean the garage and hang out at home day - take down Christmas, tune up the Troopy, start the 4-wheeler and clean up the crap

waiting for the mail, now that IS exciting! (especially when you are still in your nightgowns at 1pm)

Little Beezer saying "I wide the moto-cycle!!!"

and Francie decided to have a "yard sale" of toys so she collected all the stuff in the house she was willing to part with (aka "Oh Maisie don't you want to give your new Tinkerbell to kids who REALLY need it?!") Charity and Yard Sale-ing might be confused here.

Yard Sale Toys - if you ran by our house Saturday afternoon sorry you were accosted by a four year old

"Mom wanna buy this Thomas? It still works!"

Maisie was busy with her dolls

Friday a new BOB Double showed up in a box on the doorstep (weird Heff I don't know HOW that happened?!) Emmy had been using the Joovy Caboose with two seats and a stand on but with crappy wheels it was impossible to push and the BOB has an awesome footwell for Francie to ride while the little ones are strapped in. Emmy and I are in love with it :)

Janie says "it's just another stroller mom."

Mersa and Mercy got to ride too

So to make room for the new BOB I promised Heff I would finally clear out my collection and sell a few of the strollers that are out of circulation. (I know I have a problem with my love of baby mover with wheels but I use them all!) I set up a blog to sell all my crap (Craigslist doens't work anymore!) so Francie helped be my tester for our sale photos backdrop

and then....

The only photo I managed from our Saturday Night date night - we went to Dio Deka in Los Gatos where my friend Marty Cattaneo is the Executive Chef. Incredible food and what a sweet date! :)

Sunday morning brunch with the Keeps at Bumble!

and Sunday Night we went down to San Carlos to see Emmy and Maddie's ADORABLE aprtment and thake them out for a fun Sushi dinner!

The girls demanded a sleepover asap

How cute is their place?!

Sushi dinner - what fun with these girls!

Can't have dinner without a show! Talent by Francie and Maisie (soon after followed by Emmy and Mary singing the entire rendition of "Show and Tell" - a Mary's SUmmer Fun Camp old favorite. How do we remember it Em?!

thanks Maddie and Emmy!

Francie says "my face was like that because I didn't want all those people sitting on their laps too"

Oh Emmy what would we do without you!? :)