We're Going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo

How about you, you you?! Last week was a whirlwind of activity around here! I have so much to blog I don't even know where to start :) We were in San Diego Wednesday for a quick trip to the San Diego Zoo - I had all three of my girlies with some of our friends and we escaped the Bay Area rain for some San Diego sun. The Zoo was a big hit and with the help of the stroller "Sidekick" skateboards and an Ergo and Christian who came with us too- we managed to make it through the entire zoo in an afternoon.

Francie and her baby sister at lunch

We are ready to take on the ZOO!

That's how we roll

Janie helped us navigate the paths with her map

The rhinos were a big hit. They are so ugly :)

They wanted to send Dad a picture of them "kissing a snake"

nice face France

Maisie thinks she's as big as the elephants

and this was one of the days she insisted on wearing her fashionable arm band

Awww… sometimes they are such stinkers but sometimes they are so cute :)

Creative strollering

and when your massive stroller doesn't fit on the people mover- you get even more creative (it was this or trekking UP hill for a long ways..)

We'll be back "AMINALS!"