John B Grad Party

My cousin John graduated from SF State and my Uncle John and Aunt Kim just moved to Aptos so they hosted a fun grad party at their new house last Saturday night. We are all proud of John for getting that diploma and loved the chance to get everyone together at John and Kim's- they hosted a great BBQ at their beautiful new house!

Jannie and her "little" brothers

Team BBQ

Emmy and the Maisie swing!

Heff and his middle baby (and sorry about my recent obsession with the pin-hole effect on my little camera - I have gotten lazy about bringing my big camera and just couldn't shake the cool effects until I had overkilled them!)

Who are these trouble makers you ask?? TOM & JERRY!! (for reals :)

The girls in the kitchen -thanks for a great party Aunt Kim!

Francie and her posey (Emmy, Ella and Kelly)

Me and my goddaughter with Janie in the sling (she has been sleeping SO much better at night but has a cranky witching hour in the evenings - sometimes calmed by the sling and sometimes by nothing... but she's still a keeper.

Kelly gives the twins a thumbs up

Guess I should have used a flash by this time in the evening- but how cute is this little landing for two mini rocking chairs?!

Cake! and a speech. Congrats Johners!