Happy Birthday Maisie!

Our little Maisie Moo is TWO!! Happy Birthday funny girl we can't believe you are two years old. We were so excited to meet you on April 18 two years ago and can't believe how much fun and laughter you have added to our life. Here are a few things I wanted to remember about you right now- as I just put you to bed for the last time as my 1 year old… Happy Birthday MaryMarjorie.

*You don't get mad very often EXCEPT when I ask how old you are and you say "Eight." and I say "No you are still ONE." and hold up my finger. You yell "NO EIGHT!!!" and squeeze my finger and make a really mad face - it's hilarious :)

*You weigh 25 pounds and are tall for your age (ie I need to measure you) You have little chicken legs and no bum- still in those size 2/3 newborn diapers. You are pretty close to potty-training but we're just not there yet- still surviving with two in diapers.

*You love to eat meat "ha-dog!" is your dinner request of choice but you'll eat any kind of meat cut up small (Dad is always worried about the choking hazard of course) and you also love fruit, crackers and applesauce in those mash up things. You aren't so into sweets and sugar like your sister but you love a good lollipop now and then.

*You are still working on talking-so-people-can-understand-you thing. You sure do get your point across and you have lots and lots of words but your parents and Ga-Ga (Francie) might be the only ones who understand them all. You talk in full sentences and use your funny expressions so we get what you're saying- don't worry :) You are very fond of NO and MINE (and not even a terrible two yet - oh my!)

*You are stubborn and strong willed. Man I bet you are going to give us a run for our money when you are a teenager Maisie! Let's hope by saying that I can un-jinx you out of it or something. You live up to your nickname Crazy Maisie and boy are you funny!!

*You share well with your sisters. Sometimes Francie has to work pretty hard and practice her patience to convince you to share but you usually comply and like to make big sis happy.

*You are very curious and inquisitive. You love animals (mostly horses which you call "Bas" for some reason and dogs and cows and farm animals. But when we have asked what you wanted for your birthday you have said "A Bunny!" for you and a bunny to give to your sister. You want to name them Hearty and Sher-mom like Oma's horses. You love getting dirty, helping dad with his truck or the Troopy (your fav) and you might end up being dad's hunting and camping wing-man, at least that what he is calling.

*You still take a BaBe (bottle) when you are tired. You drink Whole Milk (as your sitter says "the D kind and then when you turn 2 you get the 2 Percent kind)" and if the bottle flows out too much (from your biting!) you say "yucky momma- it's broke." and make me find a new top, little stinker. We're kicking the habit though you big two year old so bye-bye Babe!

*You are also still pacifier addict although you only get it in bed or in the car on long drives (or when you are so tired and so ready to get home and get in bed mom can't listen to the whining anymore and you get it to plug your crying :) Janie takes the same kind of pacifier of course (even though we tried every other kind) but you are good about not taking hers.

*You think you are a fashionista and are more demanding and concerned with your outfits even than Francie is at 3.5. You wore this polka dot baby-leg as an "arm-a band" for 2 days straight and always have to pick your own shoes and PJs. Matching outfits might be out the window because of your opinions before anyone else! But actually you love to dress like Francie and if I buy you something (like a "Sharkie" onesie) just for you you say "Where's Gagas??" and refuse to wear it unless Francie has a matching one.

*You still LOVE your bed, pillows, comforter, dolls, binky, etc. We finally lowered the railing on your crib after you started climbing out about three months ago. You sleep with the room totally dark and the door closed and sometimes you put yourself to bed for naps (you disappear, close the door behind you, climb in bed under your covers, turn on your monkey music machine, find your binky and it's good night Maisie!) You nap 2-3 hours every afternoon. You usually go to bed around 9:30-10pm and sleep in the morning until 9-9:30am, sometimes longer! We hear you in there with your monkey music on but we wait for you to come out on your own (or else we face the wrath of wrong-side-of-the-crib-Maisie) So basically you love to sleep :) I love you for that.

*You are a GREAT big sister. I was worried you wouldn't like a new baby taking your position but you have been a model big sis since the minute Janie was born. You always say "I see Janie?! I hold Janie?! I tickle Janie?!" and you show her toys and tickle her cheeks or tell her what every part of her body/face are (sorry out the pokes to the eyes Janie) Janie is lucky to have you as a big sister to look up to!

*We love you Maisie. Almost every day your dad and I look at each other and say "How is she so darn cute?" or we talk about how funny you are. We can't wait to see the person you become and are enjoying every minute of having you in our life.

HAPPY TWO YEARS to our little MaryMarjorie!!!