Would You Rather...

Last Friday night Heff and I "divided and conquered" and each did a different activity overnight with the girls which we don't do very often… and boy were they different. I'll let the pics speak for themselves, but you tell me which one you would rather have participated in…

Since my good friend Christian and I have the same birthday (April 5 - in addition to both running kid businesses on the same street, going to the same high school, having a dad named John/Jack and a mom named Jan and more weird similarities!) we sometimes celebrate together but it was her 30TH this year (my boring 33rd) so we had a big bash at Rosewood for her party and Janie tagged along with me obviously.

so while we were enjoying the finer (warmer) things...

Brian, Francie and Maisie were camping in 28 degree weather! Sounds CRAZY to me but they loved it. Well, the girls loved eating hot dogs, making s'mores and getting dirty - then it got COLD in the night and while wrestling their little baby sized mummy bags Francie said

"Dad. I don't like camping. I don't think Maisie does either. Maybe next time you should go by yourself." I hear ya France.

Hot dogs and headlamps


Yummmmmmm (ok that part looks good, I admit it))

Crazy girls still "loving" their camping (it wasn't quite below freezing yet)

Ahh enjoying a Babe by the fire… sort of

Bedtime- at least Maisie has her pillow to cozy up with! Heff said he underestimated how much kids move around when they are sleeping- so the mummy bags didn't work out so much and both girls ended up crawling into his sleeping bag which meant he was only half way in it. Great night sleep huh!?

They got back early from camping (because WHY would you hang around somewhere when it's 28 degrees?!) and I convinced them to come to Rosewood to swim with the girls. Not an easy task but Heff knows his girls love swimming at "wose-wood!"

This picture was when we were leaving after Francie fell asleep on the path outside the room- camping then swimming = TIRED kids!

cheers to that