More Red Bluff Baptism Weekend

I love this picture of Oliver! The Big Man of the weekend looking so dapper in his sweater vest with his mom and making a hilarious I'm Not Happy face

Making cookies with Aunt Kat, she asked France if they were ready to go in the oven yet and Francie said "No they need more tasting"

and these amazing Dora PJ's were a result of a little trip to WalMart after the baptism- we had to run an errand and the store we needed to go into wasn't open yet- Maisie and Janie had fallen asleep in the car so I asked Heff if Francie and I could 'run into WalMart' for 5 minutes. We were on a mad hunt for Diego PJ's (nobody makes them- but WalMart was the most likely place to find them!) but we emerged after about 20 minutes with 2 pairs of 100% polyester-sure-to-be-thread-bare-after-10-washings PJ's. Francie insisted on wearing hers all day.

Janie on my lap - nothing better!

And Oma brought out Sherman for some rides. I wish I had close up pictures of Maisie but you can sort of see the ridiculous amount of excitement on her face on the back of a horse. She might be our animal lover - where those genes came from I'm not sure- but at least she doesn't hesitate to respond "Bang Bang!" when we ask her what Daddy does to the elk.

Pure excitement

These pictures make me happy- not that you need to turn into a horse-girl Sharkie but you are so happy up there!

Buzz and Woody PJ's (from the boys section) Francie picked out for her sister. She was almost as excited about these as she was to "WIDE BA!" (ride a horse translated)

Little Maisie Moo with Oma making the rounds on Sherman

Clara and Aunt Kat

Heff having to talk Maisie into taking off her helmet for Clara's turn

Clara Marie's first time to ride a horse! She was a little apprehensive but Francie and Maisie talked her into it :)

Ready for a few steps forward?!

I mean- I can't believe I paid $6.00 each for these pajamas

Awww cute Uncle Ducky and Aunt Kat

I love this sign in their house they got as a wedding gift

Cousins running around rough-shot

Francie got the last turn - "the looooongest last turn" she told me

It's tiring to be baptized!

The rest of the day we relaxed inside, visited, drank, ate and played Words with Friends with each other on our iPhones/pads in the same room.

Susan (Donald's mom) and I tried to take some baby-in-a-basket pictures of Janie but she wasn't really having it. She's looking at me like "Seriously Mom?"

Nope- still mad even with clothes on.

All that posing and screaming wore Sleeping Beauty out (Maisie put the tiara on her)

Spring is coming in Red Bluff! I didn't take enough pictures of the chaos and fun inside- great dinners and lots of hanging out with cousins- I love weekends in Red Bluff!