Looking Back...

Anne just sent me this picture of my "last days of being pregnant" from one night we walked downtown with the kids for dinner. There was the prettiest sunset that night so she took a picture of me and my belly as we were walking. It's so weird to NOT be pregnant anymore but since Janie is all curled up on my chest right now as I work on my laptop, I don't have heartburn anymore and I have a few more choices in clothing- I'll take this side of pregnancy :)

Janie slept much better last night! She seems to have an three night pattern or a BAD night (last night), an okay night and a really good night. Last night she slept from 11pm-5am in the bassinet, nursed and slept from 5-9am curled up next to me. I tried this crazy co-sleeper bolster pillow thing in out bed since she sleeps way better next to me - but go figure after Jannie, Emmy and I spent 30 minutes trying to figure it out and rig it up on the bed- Janie sleeps well in the bassinet almost all night! My husband is very patient.

I miss your little kicks and jabs in my belly but I'm glad you're here in the world Baby MaryJane!