Oliver's Baptism

We were in Red Bluff this weekend for Oliver's Baptism and for Janie to meet her Opa. Brian and I were honored to be chosen by Kat and Donald to be Oliver's godparents- we're up for the challenge keeping that REALLY cute little guy inline and Catholic! We are also god-parents to little Thomas and Heff is a godfather to Garrison and I have my sweet godson James- so besides our awesome god-daughters Madeline and Claire Elise- we've got daughters and God-SONS to look out for :) It was a relaxing weekend in Red Bluff and Opa got to meet his 10th grandchild.

Heff and his girls going into church

Daddy Donald and his Mini-Me

I mean- it's like a 5 month old version of Uncle Ducky right?!

Kat and her baby boy- and her cute Grandma Heffernan purse as a diaper bag! Oliver is wearing the Heffernan family christening gown- had to get him baptized before lent or he would never fit in this after- he is a big guy!!

Oma and Opa with Maisie Moo

Proud parents

Daddy and his middle child baby girl (who is sitting next to me looking at these pics and whining "I 'ant DADDY!" he's just at work but Maisie misses her dad :)

Godparents and little ones

Cathleen held Janie for the ceremony- and Maisie lost it when her mom and dad left her in the pew so Uncle Mark distracted her walking around in the back- thanks guys!

Silly Maisie and Clara Marie - who are cute little buddies now

Francie the big helper

Me and the girls (wow I look tired! Janie actually slept great both nights in Red Bluff but is back on her night-owl schedule at home- I slept in a few half hour increments from 11pm-6am last night!! Then she is knocked out from 6-11am… I mean that's good sleeping in Janie but not really the big picture :)

The Heffernan clan there to celebrate

Mr and Mrs Doverspike came down from Oregon too- Oliver Donald with his parents and both sets of grandparents

Three across headed back to Oma and Opa's- more Red Bluff and "horsey" pics next!

Congrats Doverspikes!