
Maisie got to go on a special adventure all by herself with Dad on Saturday when he flew to LA for the day for a business meeting (benefits of not yet being two- she's still a free lap baby) They left at 5:30am and Maisie came in to say bye to me in bed "Momma! Airplane! Daddy! Banana! Airplannnnne!" (= Mom! I'm going on an airplane with Dad and taking a banana with me!" :)

They left San Jose at 7:30am and got a window seat- Heff said she was losing her mind she was so excited. She behaved herself very well all day with Dad and they got home around 5:30 Saturday night. What a lucky lady! (and Heff thinks he is pretty lucky too- Friday night we were watching her being silly at dinner and he said "I get to spend the WHOLE day with her tomorrow?!")

You are Crazy Maisie and we love you for it!