Janie's First Wedding Shower

Saturday Francie got to spend the day with Grandpa while Jannie, Emmy, Janie and I went up to SF for Em's wedding shower at The Rotunda @ Neiman's for an afternoon tea. We left two hours early to go up and shop but hit crazy broken-down-bus/construction traffic in the city and ended up right on time! We did a little shoe shopping on the way into the shower but just enjoyed a nice afternoon with Em, her mom, sister, friends and my Aunt Tere and her daughter's in law Erin and Sadie. The invitation said wear white and matched the room! Happy almost wedding Em :)

The Bride-to-be

my favorite fare

Erin and Jannie talking while Aunt Tere snuggles Janie

all the ladies in white

Janie and Mom

Opening presents

my brother James came at the end to say hello - and help carry the presents down four floors and through Union Square!

The hosts of the shower- bridesmaids for the big day

We took a group picture in the Rotunda (but I don't have the picture on my camera) and James carried Baby Janie- he stood about 10 feet from the edge of this railing the whole time, thanks Uncle James :)