Mornings with Emmy

Emmy has been coming some mornings to help with the big girls while Janie and I are still figuring out this "sleep" thing. (She is doing a little better, but still prefers to sleep all morning and not so much at night) Emmy is awesome and the girls love her. She makes them eggs, gets them dressed in cute outfits and plays at home or takes them to the park. I'm pretty jealous some mornings and want to join them on their fun! But then I remember how much I need sleep/to clean/return emails/work and I just enjoy the peace and quiet :) Thanks Emmy!

Wednesday we walked to St Nicks to say a prayer and light a candle for Kaky- it was her birthday

Emmy's Amazing Boat entry- this is a good story :)

so the neighbor kids (3 siblings) were at the park with their "manny" (male nanny obvi ;) and the kids started talking about sending a boat down the creek from our houses to race to Shoup. Well Emmy challenged them to it and they set a race day. That day, Emmy suggested making a boat in the morning but the girls weren't that into it so they skipped it figuring the neighbors forgot too.

Well they get to the park and here come all three kids running down the hill with a super-duper homemade boat, even stenciled USA on the side! So Emmy says "oh yeah hold on, ours is right here" and whips up an impromptu boat. "Francie eat these Apple chips QUICK!" for the plastic bag, combined with a little caution tape on the ground- left over from the creek storm surge, a pinecone and a stick for balance… Viola! And guess which boat "took those corners" and won?

yup- the big winner!

puzzle time at home- happy kids

This is a typical Francie face after a full morning running around with Emmy
"What? No I'm not even a little bit tired Mom." yeah right.

and why is it my pictures look like this (no one looking, bad angle, lame lighting) :

and Emmy can do this with the same subjects! (oh yeah, it's because she has way more talent and kids LOVE her so they look at her for photos)

no stopping them… thanks for all the fun lately Em!