Hidden Villa

Tuesday after naps we didn't have much planned so at the last minute we called Jannie, packed up and drove out to Hidden Villa to check out the new baby animals. It's so nice that it is so close to our house now, just a few minutes up El Monte and a $5 parking fee for a whole afternoon of fun. We practically had the whole place to ourselves and wore the girls out before we came home for dinner with Dad. Thanks for coming with us Jannie!

Off to find animals

First a bunch of brand new baby lambs

Little Baby Piggies

Francie saw one of the little pigs trying to nurse the big momma and she said "Mom, what do you think that piggy is saying to it's mom?" and I said "Um probably that it wants some milk." and she said "Well I think it is saying 'Mom, your udders are dirty." HA! But she was right- they were gross

Looking in on Cleo and MAISY the cows! (Maisie carried her cowgirl hat that is way too small for her head) around the entire time)

Found the chickens and one rooster-

Jannie and Maisie walking out of the piggy barn- Maisie wanted to feed the baby pigs some gross old hay she found on the ground all the way across the field and wouldn't stop until she did

Francie says "Look Mom I'm like a sloth!"

Maisie dancing in the sunlight

Francie climbing trees with a little help from Jannie

and Maisie had to have a turn

Happy girl

Sister love on Fanny Bridge

Sometimes the love is a little one sided

an outtake of my attempt to get a picture of Jannie and the girls

How many stomachs do cows have?!?

Francie playing waitress in the garden fort- serving Jannie and Maisie pretend food for tips (genius France :)

too much fun!