No Baby Yet

Well we missed a 2-11-2011 baby! Today was my due date (as you can see on my iPhone ap) and my lucky number :) but I'll take this baby whenever it decides to make it's appearance. I was up at 1am this morning with contractions and thought for sure we would be in labor today- I was wide awake until 5am but then they stopped and I reluctantly went back to sleep.

We had a "Due Date" fun lunch out with Emily, Lucy, Christian, Summer and the girls at Vida. Heff came by to grab lunch too and then took the girls to BB so I could finish my spicy sausage couscous (and glass of champagne!) in peace.

Still pregnant Mom

and Francie took this picture with my iPhone (I love when I check my pictures and find these random shots of me or whatever she takes on there- almost as much of the video she took of me sleeping one morning- delete!) brushing my teeth before going to bed on 2-11.

Maybe an 18th birthday like Francie and Maisie will be but a week feels awfully far away! Brian's birthday is Monday February 14, but having your birthday on Valentines Day and sharing it with your child means he'd lose any part of it being his day :)

Did you guess yet!?