
In pigtails! Not really but she insisted :) The hair is finally coming in but just enough to give her bedhead and cover up the cute baldness. At 22 months she lives up to the moniker Crazy-Maisie but we wouldn't have her any other way!

Maisie is such a girly-girl… she always has to have a purse on her shoulder and she loves putting on jewelry and playing with my makeup. But she's still pretty rough and tumble! Her big feet trip her up sometimes and she says "I ok- I ok" and keeps on going. She's kind of a diva and very opinionated but she holds her own with "GaGa/Bashie" (her sister) and let's herself be known.

She is also very kind and thoughtful- last night I put her in her crib (only gets the binky now in her crib for naps/bed and that seems to keep her from crawling out too much!) and Francie has left her favorite horsey in Maisie's crib so I told her she was in luck and got to sleep with it. I said goodnight and 5 minutes later out comes Maisie carrying the horse, shaking her head "no-no, this GaGa's" and went into Francie's room to give her the horse- then went right back into her crib. I'm sure that won't last long but she's still so sweet to Francie

We love you Maisie- sorry you are about to become the middle child but I think you'll take it in stride and be a GREAT big sister!