The Hunters

Brian, Doug and Donald (both of Heff's brothers-in-law) had planned a big bow hunting trip to New Mexico the first week of this year. It turns out this week also had crazy record low temps and it was negative 28 degrees outside in the daytime! The couldn't really camp as they planned in the fresh snow and freezing temps and had adventures every night trying to find a hotel room to sleep. Sounded nothing but miserable to Kat and I as we got text and satellite phone updates but they were all smiles and even though no deer were to be had they loved the trip!

This was their NYE night in Truth or Consequences, NM. Heff texted me this photo- Kat and I joked they were like the first half of a bad joke… "A lawyer, a doctor and a cattle rancher walk into a bar…"

Planning out their route in a point.five star hotel room

Donald making cup-o-soup in the microwave for dinner (and the camera is blurry since it was in the back of the truck FROZEN!)

Happy Husband

Setting out in their rental truck packed with gear

This was the hotel they stumbled on one night- the only one for 130 miles. You had to use the phone on the wall (see the cord going under the door?!) to get someone to help you!

Turns out all four rooms in the hotel were booked and the only other hotel in town had burned down or something but the nice lady on the other end of the phone offered this "honeymoon suite" for half price since it didn't have running water after the pipes froze and burst. WOW.

Can't say I wish I was sharing that particular honeymoon suite with you Heff!

They left fancy pastries for breakfast and got the water turned back on late that night but were instructed to leave the water running all night so the pipes wouldn't burst again!

leaving the middle-of-nowhere New Mexico hotel room in their powder trail

Scanning for deer

I'm so proud of my husband for taking pictures of the trip as I clearly instructed! (even got him a waterproof case thing for Christmas as a hint :)

Home Sweet Home Wednesday morning! We missed you Dads!!