Red Bluff Christmas 2010

We had a blast in The Bluff for four days celebrating Christmas and Oma & Nana's birthday this year. It's CRAZY how fast kids are multiplying up there! Oma is already planning a remodel for a bunk room- we're busting at the seams but we love it. We simplified gift giving this year to one gift per family and the kids weren't so overwhelmed (nor were the gift givers) We had lots of delicious meals and tons of fun hanging out together with the whole crowd.

Francie says "You're pretty tough Dad" out in shorts and a t-shirt in coooold weather to give 4-wheeler rides

there were four kids hiding behind him

they're off to the barn

Maisie wanted to ride on the "seee-ing" all day if she could

Looking for the horses

we had to force the kids inside to come eat- Maisie had blue lips :)

Maisie has gotten over her fear of the horses. She pats her bum and says "wide?" Uncle Donald doubled her up for a ride. Pretty happy little girl!

Maggie grabbed Maisie every chance she got

Oliver's turn!

Daddy and Opa hanging out by the truck

Thomas- not a fan!

Francie kicked Uncle Donald off for a chance to ride like a big girl

Little Stinkers

Anne with a flock around her for a story before dinner

My silly Maise pushed this chair up to sit next to me and drink her milk- little milk chin but gotta love that "cheeeeese!" smile :)

Maggie and Maisie lounging around (Oma converted the screen porch to an outdoor hanging out room with covers on the windows and a little space heater- it was great and we needed every inch!

Oliver is such a good baby- just goes with the flow

Lots of dress up and princess play upstairs

and a movie and popcorn treat- think Izza was worn out?!

Oma got the whole crowd matching doggie PJ's!

The birthday twins with all of their grandkids

silly faces

Donald and Bill cutting the rib eyes (the mongo sized Prime Rib just wasn't cooking in the rainy wind storm on the BBQ!)

ain't no stopping Heff! The wind was so crazy it blew screens off the new porch and kept us inside all day (no complaints here)

Everybody got to help blow out candles for Oma and Nana

Happy Birthday at the triple table

after dinner entertainment, watching Ducky play Angry Birds

oh the brotherly love… and the 19 feet 9 inches of it on one couch

parts 2 and 3 coming next!...