Lots of Fun with Ellie, Kat & Oliver

We've been on a staycation with Aunt Kat, Oliver and Cousin Ellie (having so much fun I haven't even had time to blog all the Red Bluff Christmas pictures!) Our husbands were on a hunting trip to New Mexico together (Brian, Donald and Ellie's Dad Doug) for six days and just got back this morning. Kat was going to come hang out with me while they were gone and we thought it would be a fun trip for Ellie to sneak away on too- boy were we lucky to have her, she's the best seven year old nanny around! Kat and I have been joking we look like "Sister Wives"- going everywhere together with four kids to load and unload from the Suburban and my pregnant belly in tow :)

every morning when Maisie woke up she asked "Ahh-ver?!" and ran to find him, then asked Kat "Hold? Hold?" She loooooves this baby. Let's hope as much as her next sibling!

We had a wild and crazy time ringing in the New Year ;)

Shirley Temples to toast 2011 (at least the NYC ball drop 2011)

We went over to Jannie and Grampa's for some New Year's Day ham sandwiches and Jannie had all three girls upstairs with her- she gave them a can of shaving cream and told them they could "paint the mirrors"! Crazy spoiling grandmother!! :)

WOW. I came just in time to clean it all up

Action shot of Ellie zooming the girls around the backyard (Jannie and Grampa watched all three girls while Kat and I ran to TJ Maxx HomeGoods, our fav)

We did LOTS of projects, coloring, science experiments and crafts! Here are Ellie and Francie putting together and painting the birdhouse kit Francie got for Christmas from Oma

and we did a make-over to Francie's room- bringing in the play kitchen and setting her trundle up as a reading nook. Ellie was super helpful of course

The "Farmers Market" right in Francie's room- they were taking special orders all day

even has cafe seating

decorating cupcakes they made with Aunt Kat

and a "we'll see if this works" rock candy making project ABA sent us (we were only so lucky to steal Ellie for a week since she homeschools so we had to work in some lessons!)

Pinkberry at the Mall!

A stop by Brilliant Babies to check in

and lots of snuggly sleepover time- watching Toy Story here with their PillowPals :)

and the sun finally came out for some creek stomping!

off to explore

Poor Oliver and his doting nursemaids… the big girls all decided they should check Oliver for a fever.

He sure is a good sport.

Oliver is about as big as Maisie- except those big FEET! (she is already in size 9 shoes) but they wear the same size diapers!!

What a cutie - fun to have a baby in the house - thanks for all the fun Kat, it was a great week!

and thanks for all the help Ellie! (I sent Ellie home with a pile of cashmere/dry clean only sweaters that were too small or had gone through the wash and seriously shrunk- her mom is going to love me for sending high maintenance hand me downs;)