
Monday Night Kat and I took all the kids to see Cavalia in the city. We really wanted to take Ellie and Kate when they were here in December but there weren't any shows the nights they were here. I heard they extended the show for two nights this week so we got tickets and trekked up to SF for the night! It was an 8pm show and we took them out to dinner beforehand- the kids were all SO good… the girls were captivated the entire 2+ hours and Oliver was such a champ he never made a peep! We had great seats and the girls can't stop talking about the amazing horses and dancers.

Ellie, Kat and Oliver at dinner at MoMo's before the show

Maisie and I in the booth

Dinner for Six

Cousin LOVE

at Cavalia ready for the big show!

Oliver is beside himself he's so excited

blurry iPhone pics in the seats

Ready for the horses!

Me and the girls

3rd row!

You can't really tell but Maisie was hugging and squeezing Oliver and pointing out the horses to him

Maisie sitting on Francie's lap (she reminded me Maisie couldn't sit in a real seat since she is a "lap baby")

What a great show- the kids were awesome!

and I couldn't resist the over-priced horsey souvenirs for the girls :)