Brady & Kristen

Saturday night we were lucky to be invited to a beautiful wedding in San Francisco to watch Brady & Kristen tie the knot. My brother Jerry has been best friends with Brady Carlson since high school- they caused a lot of trouble together! Kristen was a beautiful bride and the wedding was so much fun. The reception was on the 32nd floor of the St Francis hotel (where we all stay every year at Christmas) and my parents, James & Em, Jerry & Allison and Brian & I were all there to rock the night away! Emmy stayed with the girls at a hotel in SF for us- they get their own post on the adventures in babysitting evening they had :)

more couple pictures of Heff and I in one weekend than we've taken all year!

James and Em looking fab as usual

cute pic of Jer & Allison- love your dress Allison, really brings out the "Ted" in Jerry ;)

the toasts were hysterical- Brady is the youngest of four boys and his older brother roasted him! Made me realize I can throw a few zingers Ann's way for my Matron of Honor Speech- watch out ABA ;)

Allison and some of their cute friend's- these girls do Book Club, Supper Club, Wine Club... I wanna be friend's with them!

The "Simo" girls - I missed the animal print memo apparently

we had to take a few- I veto'ed this one that looks like I am wearing a leopard baby sling with no baby in it!

Congrats Mr. & Mrs. Carlson!! Thanks for including us

Dance Party!

John dancing! Good thing Allison got this on photographic record!!

Like Father Like Son :)

Jannie and her BFF Brady

Aww cute Johnets

what a fun night!