Baby Bellies!

I have soo many pictures to post from a fun wedding extravaganza weekend (2 in 2 days) but I thought I would post this picture of Kat and I with our baby bellies at 18 weeks and 36 weeks! Kat kept saying, when she was newly pregnant, that she wanted a SIL as a pregnancy buddy since we all seem to usually be pregnant at the same time. She got her wish it just took me a few months! So we enjoyed being the sober ones together at a beautiful wedding in Healdsburg Sunday. 4 weeks to go for Kat and Donald- we can't wait!

and I guess I could use this an excuse to blog about this pregnancy since I forget I am pregnant half the time. Not anything to complain about but this pregnancy has been a little more rough on me than the girls were- but I am thankful my complaints aren't anything to really complain about. I got headaches in the first trimester every week or so that would last a good 48 hours and even turned into full blown migraines with blurry vision twice- no fun at all. I've still had the headaches in the second trimester (no more migraines) which is a pain but they seem to be going away... knock on wood. I get tired sometimes but luckily the girls will still nap together in the late afternoons for 3 hours or so so I can sneak a nap in if I need to (or catch up on blogging, work or Real House wives of course). Heff has been great, as usual to make sure I rest when I need to and helps out so much with the girls- that I am very thankful for too!

I am considered "VBAC" again this pregnancy (c-section w Francie, successful VBAC w Maisie but just under the wire) so I am going to the high risk doc at Stanford again- not because I am high risk exactly, just because it's hard to find a doc to take me- but I LOVE my doctor- Maurice Druzin and the whole OB clinic at Stanford. He is the Chief of Maternal Fetal Medicine and has worked a lot with my Dad. We see him walking the Dish ever so often and he even goes along with my superstitions... when I was supposed to be scheduled for a c-section if Maisie didn't come on her own on Friday the 17th- I told him I heard it was a bad luck day in Italy from my mom's Italian friend Carla- even worse than Friday the 13th :) so I wanted to push it back one more day- he thought I was crazy (rightfully so maybe) but agreed to try for the 18th, which I got in the end thanks to his awesome resident letting me try to labor despite not much happening! So this baby is due Wednesday Feb 11 and one of his residents said "maybe if you are late- Friday the 13th! I was born on a Friday the 13th!" and he looked at the resident like "DON'T tell HER that!!"

We are just happy to be expecting another baby Heff and hope for a healthy baby in 5 months!