Emily & Dan

Sunday we attended wedding number two for the weekend! Emily and Dan got married in Healdsburg Sunday afternoon. It was perfect weather at a really cool estate in Windsor, the caterer owns the home/grounds and built a barn for a kitchen, a little barn for bathrooms and a great spot to celebrate a wedding. Congrats Emily & Dan!

We drove up (without kids!) over the Golden Gate with the windows down and "real" music playing enjoying the sunny day in the city

Heading over the Bay

We met Claire, Katherine and Donald at the hotel where they were all staying and then shuttle-bused it up to the wedding site. They had Arnold Palmers for us (my fav!) and parasols while we waited

Emily & Dan had a beautiful ceremony under big shade trees


Kat & Donald

brother-in-laws in almost-matching ties... we didn't give them a hard time or anything ;)

pretty bride

and such a pretty spot for a wedding

the CUTEST idea for a guest book- they had an iPhoto booth set up that printed right there for the guest book- they were hilarious!

We love Aunt Francy! Uncle Bob & Aunt Francy, Uncle John and Aunt Barbara were all there to celebrate too- we got to sit at a table with all of them and Oma- a rare treat to get time "alone" with some of our favorite people.

my hot date :) weddings are such a fun place to spend time together and remember our wedding day!