Countdown is on...

...for Ann & Pat's wedding! October 30 is creeping closer and I'm so excited for all the festivities (and to have her home from Nashville so often) Last weekend the Carter's had a shower for Ann at their house with a whole group of ANn's biggest fans :) They made everything so special with personalized "Ann & Pat" champagne bottles for favors, pretty flowers and really good food. It was a fun night to celebrate Baby Ann.

everything was SO pretty and tasty- good job girls :)

The Carter girls with ABA- Beth, Ann, Georgia and Jill

giving a hilarious toast :)

Allison and Aunt Mimi

Ann and Bethy


Em made an impressive ribbon bouquet (thanks for taking over the duty for me Em!)

Ann and her girlfriends

Ann and her "lady friends" (sorry - blurry, I was tired)

Bethy and I trying to take a good picture- she looks cute I do NOT (maybe that means it's another girl this time since Jannie says girls steal your beauty when you are pregnant!) and Hi Bethy- thanks for being such a faithful blog reader :)

Thanks for such a fun night girls!!