A Visit to Grandma Wichmann's House

On the way to Disneyland last Sunday we stopped outside LA to check in on Claire's Mom- Grandma Wichmann's house to see how it was faring since she passed away. It't the house where Claire and Cathleen grew up and really cool to see all of the land, horse stables and places she used to play as a kid.

roaming around on the wagon looking for trouble ;)

Little Packet! Holds his own around all these girls

"hey guys you left me here!"

kids on a tractor- almost as good as any ride at Disneyland (especially if they figure out how to turn it on:)

Maisie not too happy for some reason :)


the kids found some crayons buried somewhere to keep themselves busy inside for awhile

Grandma Wichmann loved her Scottie Dogs!

Not much has changed since Grandma Wichmann died- a little dust collected (and a few Coors Light cans after our visit!) but it was really neat to see the house and pretty impressive she lived here alone and kept it up until she died at 96 years old!

Jannie would be happy to see the Simonson family Christmas card from 2009 was still propped on the TV!

Heff found a "trap-door spider web" and made an impromptu science experiment

Learning new tricks from her cousins

Little Squatter

and Ellie taking very good care of Maisie as usual (she usually has her or Patrick on her hip!) she takes her role as the eldest very seriously- I know the obligation well Ellie :)