Red Bluff Livestock Auction & Fair

We made it up to Red Bluff for the big Tehema County Fair weekend- the 5th year in a row we haven't missed it (even the year Francie was 9 days old :) The Tehema County Livestock Auction is our favorite- we camp out from 10am-ish until close to the end of the auction around 3/4pm. It's always hot that weekend but the giant fans and free Tri-tip sandwiches and iced tea they pass around make it nice and comfortable. We didn't quite buy as many animals as we did last year but we had fun bidding a few times, cheering on Oma's bids and coming home with a winner-winner-piggy-dinner!

Oma getting her buyer's basket from a cute 4-H girl

Heff and Maisie camped out watching the auction

Francie couldn't believe we had a "bottom row seat"

Maisie and her corndog

Corndog kids and Ronan hiding from my camera

Maisie wasn't so keen on the "let me sit on your lap" idea

Back in the auction after a snack and potty break

160 animals later... time for the parade of Grand Champions!

We only had room in our extra fridge for one animal so we went with our "Go Big or Go Home" motto and bought the Reserve Grand Champion Swine

That's our bacon, ham and pork chops. and we'll be famous soon when this picture publishes in the Red Bluff Daily News! :)

The girls had both been asleep on our laps by this time- we hauled them up with us for the picture and they both woke up looking like "where the heck am I!?" for the camera

Maisie calculating her price per pound (calculator "favors" for buying) Don't worry it's a tax write-off Maise

Francie went right back to sleep

Love this Grand Champion steer looking right at us through the fence (and his pint size little girl who raised him)

Funny Faces of Maises (our nice cleaning lady calls the girls "Frances and Maises")

Still worn out and sweaty from sleeping on dad

more Red Bluff pics next and a memorable encounter with a snake in the barn!