Sunday morning we all packed up to head south for Disneyland (The four of us in one car- Oma, Opa, Ellie and Kate in another). Maureen and Doug had a wedding in LA so we met them down there with Patrick and Andrea, Craig, Isabel and Thomas who live in LA drove over Monday morning for the park day. It was a family affair for all seven of the kids first time ever to Disneyland. We stayed at the Grand California Sunday and Monday and just did one day in the park- thinking we'd come back for naps and go back but we ended up in the park from the minute they opened until closing! The kids were troopers and adults all enjoyed it far more than we gave it credit for. A Monday in September helped grace us with short lines but the park was still fairly crowded. Francie LOVED it and made it even more special to share with her cousins and Oma. We'll even plan another trip!

Up early in the morning... sooo excited for this day she's been asking about for a year

Breakfast with "the characters"

"We can't believe it's you either Chip!"

Posing with her instant buddy

Notice Maisie's subtle lean... she was okay as long as they didn't break the 12 inch bubble around her

all this AND Mickey shaped waffles? Too good to be true

If only I had two giant black ears and a bow on this stroller... I know, I know- I heard that a few times! We needed (I mean NEEDED Heff :) an umbrella stroller for my collection and this one was on super sale on Gilt a few weeks ago. I realized it's maiden voyage at Disney was a little ironic :)

and we're IN!

Our mission was to head directly to Mickey's House in ToonTown but we got sidetracked with the empty lines beckoning us along the way. First stop- Mr. Toad's Wild Ride! It was scarier than we remembered- Patrick (who's REAL birthday it was) hated it- sorry Patrick!

Then the Tea Cups of course!

Maisie trying not to barf

Did I mention the Mickey shirt?! At the hotel gift shop- Francie came running to Brian with this shirt saying "Dad!!! You won't believe it!! They have a Mickey shirt in YOUR SIZE!!!" He couldn't say no and was such a good sport he succumbed to looking like a total tourist/Mickey freak and wore it all day! I think it looks cute given the occasion :) What a sport.

"Where should we go next!?"

It's A Small World! Francie already knew the song by heart from asking us "the truth about the rides" every night. And after the 10 minute boat ride through the caves who could forget it.

Caught up with Craig and Andrea- now the gang's all here!

We finally got to ToonTown to find out it opened at 11am so we rode the train all around the park to kill 20 minutes- it was a cool ride though!

Cousin love in Toon Town

Best Ride Ever! Maureen and I took the kids on the Toon Town Roller Coaster- it was fast and furious but short- perfect!

And the big moment we'd all been waiting for (or at least Francie had...) THE REAL MICKEY!!!

Kate, Ellie and Isabel's turn- Izza wasn't so sure

Walking with Minnie in ToonTown - Francie holding tight to her autograph book. I guess if I were a GOOD parent like my husband I would have been wearing the Minnie shirt like the lady behind her :)

Minnie could only what for a minute before she had to go check on those cupcakes she was baking for Mickey- they whisk those characters off pretty quick!

Pirates of The Caribbean put Maisie right to sleep

After lunch- Doug, Craig and I waited with the babies for everyone else to come down Splash Mountain. We waited... and waited... and had our cameras ready at this for a long time.

Maisie woke up and had her lunch

Thomas fell sounds asleep in his stroller... going, going...

and the Birthday Boy Patrick was a very patient trooper

Then we saw a wave!

and the first group going down! (stranger, stranger, Heff, Francie, Kate, Oma) They all got "SOAKKKKK-ING WET!" as Francie said

then the next ones! (stranger, stranger, Andrea, hiding Isabel, Maureen and Ellie)

Heff and his girls in line for the Tomorrow Land rocket ride- what a cute Dad :)

Ellie piloting one herself

The Rocket Riding Trio!

In line for Captain Nemo... "Don't climb on the bars kids. Don't swing on the bars guys. Don't... oh forget it."

Loving the submarine- especially since our very own Opa used to be a Captain on this ride when he was younger!!

My sweet Maisie-Moo

wide eyed kids

Then on to Autotopia- Doug and Kate then Oma and Francie the crazy driver

and as promised Cotton Candy for all the big kids

Had to pose like her big sister and cousins

and then on to dinner... after much debate we went with corn dogs. deeelish. Thanks for treating Oma! (and Romey!)

and Oma let everybody pick out their very own embroidered hat before she left to go pick up Opa at his Aunt Wilma's house where he had camped out for the day

Outfit change after dinner and hoping for another character appearance

That face probably means she see's some 7 foot tall fuzzy thing!


Stroller brigade brothers- who I have to say were all very good sports. Doug had just headed out to catch his 9pm flight home while Maureen and the kids would drive back with Oma

Tired babies (and parents) after a long- fun day at Disneyland

OMG PLUTO. Francie wanted to keep her distance at first on this one...

then finally warmed up

We love all the hats from Oma!

Bubbles in the street on our last go for rides

Dumbo! (I rode with her - don't call CPS :)

and getting-dark-carousel run

attempts at a group photo

and heading to BED! (after a lounge session in the hotel lobby with room service and cocktails until no one could keep their eyes open any longer :)