At The Beach

After our Oregon vacation and a nine hour drive we stopped at home for three hours, did a load of laundry, packed up some sand toys and hit the road again! My parents rented a great beach house in Aptos for a week with all of my siblings, fiances/girlfriends, and my Dad's brother Bill, his wife Tere and their family. Jimmy, their oldest, and his wife Erin have an adorable new baby Mick who is six months old. We've been relaxing, playing games, lots of poker tournaments, reading, playing beach volleyball and running in the waves. Foggy in the mornings but it's been burning off by early afternoon everyday! (and as usual thanks for the pics Emmy :)

This is the cool outdoor sleeping porch upstairs on the deck with five bunk beds! Heff and Francie had a sleepover out there one night.

My Aunts threw a wedding shower for Baby Ann and Pat on Sunday afternoon at the beach house

more pics coming up...