BBR Reunion Recap

Our favorite parts about a week of family vacationing in Black Butte Ranch...

not leaving the ranch and running around carseatless between cabins

or going to the sea of bikes and kid trailers to pick a ride

spending alll day and night with our Daddy (he didn't even leave to go on a solo fishing trip this year :)

Unsuccessful (albeit hilarious) attempts for Oma and Opa's grandkids in one picture.

Dinner at Pat and Tricia's cabin on the golf course Sunday night

and a great video Dan made remembering 10 years at BBR

Bargaining for turns on the swing at our cabin (we shared with Kat and Donald- a few houses from Oma and the rest of the crowd, across the back patio from Bob and Francy's)

Lounging on the hammock

Jannie brought needlepoint projects

Dan brought (and blew up with his own breath) 6 huge 3 foot balloons. They were a huge hit for a whole 6 minutes until they took them outside and popped on impact with the pine trees

playing in the sandbox

Grampa being very patient and pushing on the swings

Spending time with Opa and eating all kinds of delicious food

Taking pictures of cute kids- most of them much more willing participants than my own

Jessica- Roman and Trillium (aka Tilly B)

A surprise baby shower for Kat, Donald and Baby Doverspike!

Doing lots of art projects and coloring at LaLa's game table

Dinner outside in between playing/eating dirt

more swinging and hoping the whole crowd doesn't flip over

meeting for lunch at Uncle John and Barbara's house

Movie afternoon after lunch

Just playing around in Opa and Lala's backyard

"LOVE this look on you Clara"

"Why are you crying Thomas?! Just come play in the dirt."

A more successful shot (I bribed them with ice cream sandwhiches- they came out for dessert and we intercepted the passer-outter- "WAIT! Make them sit still for a picture to earn their ice cream." so mean :)

and no family gathering is complete without a talent show! (they only needed a little prompting to get started but then they were great- but in 5 years the talent shows are going to be off the chain :)

and no week is complete without a few injuries... Maisie fell hard on the edge of a paver and scraped her forehead to leave a not-so-pretty scabby scar

Wednesday morning tour of the firestation was a big hit

and Oma treated ALL the kids who wanted to go for a horseback ride. She led them around and around for as long as they wanted to go!

Donald brought some of his family beef (just SOME;) and Kat made her famous Guacamole

Burger Bar for dinner Wednesday night

Mr and Mrs Doverspike came down from their ranch for a night too- it was an in-law/out-law event!

Packet and Tilly after the dirt party

and celebrating Isabel's THIRD birthday!

The Heffernan Brothers. Thanks for bringing us all together for another week of family and fun!