Wow Wow Wedding

Last Saturday Heff and I left the girls at the beach with everyone and drove back over the hill for the wedding of one of my best friends from high school and college- Renee Robinson. Renee was a star basketball player at Sacred Heart and we became good friends freshman year in science class trying to keep her in line and from offending our hippie teacher too much. We both took the same van from the train station to school sophomore year and then once I got my license I drove her to school everyday. She played bball for UVA and I went to W&M in Virginia about 2 hours away so I saw a lot of her in college. We couldn't be more different (a teacher once asked us "you guys are REALLY friends?") but we've stayed good friends for a long time!

Renee married her girlfriend of 6+ years, Skelly. They were pronounced "hersband and wife"!

It was a GORGEOUS setting for a wedding at the home of a family Renee trains and coaches basketball for their kids (that is a private 3 hole gold course in the background!)

The theme for the wedding was "black and white" and all guests were asked to wear black and white (not black tie) on their black and white basketball ticket stub invitation. Here is Renee coming down for the ceremony with her nephew LJ. I wanted to whisper "tie your tie thing Renee!" but apparently this was the look ;)

NaNa and the preacher (an athletic dept tutor she became friends with in college who said "like most people when I first met Renee- I didn't like her. She's hard, abrasive and rude." WOW! It's kind of true but we all love Renee!

Bridesmaids and.... I'm not sure what you call groomswomen (there was one brave guy!)

and the bride's two daughters who stole the show- they were so pretty and a lot of fun. And both so supportive and happy for their mom and Renee (even though they told me she is "strict!")

The bride Skelly in black and white escorted by her son

The wedding party

They did a really nice heartfelt exchange of vows

and that's it! 'Hersband' and wife :)

Let the party begin!

Cutting the cake!

The Guestbook

bathrooms were here by the INDOOR pool!

Renee and Skelly are both basketball refs. They had 12 professional WAC and PAC-10 refs at the wedding!

and there is a really, really, really good story behind stage left. I can't blog it.

The host giving a really nice touch about Renee, saying she was a great role model for his children to learn hard work

Maid of Honor giving a toast

Renee introducing their family

CONGRATULATIONS NANA and SKELLY! :) Thanks for letting us be a part of your big day.