Emerald Ranch Family Day

Saturday is usually "Bob's Big Sports Day" at the reunion- the day we get most of the family there and Uncle Bob treats us all to some fun and food. This year he changed it up (after increasing injuries from the softball games every year!) and he rented a horse ranch for the afternoon for horseback rides, swimming and boating on the lake, a great BBQ dinner and square dancing lessons. It was a blast and the kids had soo much fun.

Maisie doesn't even know where to start

Francie: "Izza I LOVE your boots and your outfit."
Isabel: "Silly Fraaaan-cie, it's a romper!"


Uncle Kevin volunteered to take Francie out for some rafting- gotta have your lifejackets on!

Bumpin' boats with Uncle Donald

Opa Bob tried to up the little ones ages so they could ride the horses too

Ashley on her lounge chair

shade spectators

Aunt Tricia, Aunt Francie and Claire

Maisie wanted to get in too of course so Jannie jumped in Donald's boat to hold her

Lucky Maise

Sarah, Mark and Clara Marie

Jannie and Grampa walking over for horseback riding with cocktails in hand

The ranch had a stash of boots in the tack room for the kids to take their pick of

Kate and Doug

Thomas coordinating his binky to his leisure suit nicely

Happy foursome

These boots are made for walkin!

Francie's turn on a horse named acorn

Ashley and Francie were riding buddies

Maggie and Kate playing in the dirt

Sisters Maureen and Kat

Oma giving Maisie some love

the middle generationers sitting around

and the lovely ladies of the only-slightly-older-generation

the four brothers- responsible for this whole crew

and it didn't take long for the kids to find the mud swamp and get dirty!

pretty happy kids

My little shark and her big personality coming out

and then we let Francie go out with her big cousins Kate and Ellie "all by them selves"... she wasn't ridiculously excited or anything

just relaxing with happy Maise and her snaggletooth

kids nowhere to be found so a picture of just us

lots of family fun

squaredancin lessons! some participated- some hid in the horse stalls :)

misty horse alone in a big arena- they told us after we let the kids pet it that it had hepatitis. Hummm.... maybe should have left this one in solitary confinement

Thanks Opa Bob- We love you!

PJ'ed up for sure to fall asleep in the car on the way home

had to stop and pet the horsies

what a fun day for all 18 kids and counting!