Uncle Bob's Memorial

Last week we went down to Morgan Hill for a really nice memorial service for my Great Uncle Bob who died a few weeks ago. He was my Grandpa's (my mom's dad) youngest brother of seven siblings. He was always smiling, loved sports and loved his family. He reminded me a lot of my Grampa who died when I was in college so it was always special to see Uncle Bob and remember my Grampa. Jannie and my Uncle John read a beautiful eulogy as did my cousin Mandy who is in high school and really did a great job, even singing the song that played when he passed away with all his family around him. It was a nice day to celebrate Uncle Bob and see all of our Arnerich relatives, and of course in family tradition a big party followed at the Heiser's house!

The girls at the reception... Maisie looks skeptical I'm going to let her eat that chocolate chip cookie in a white dress

Took away the cookie. Bad idea

The Heffs- it was HOT that day

Ella, Cousin Marty and Jannie cooling off by the pool

The guys doing what they do best- BBQ'ing up some kabasitza

Francie cooling off in her unders. The Heiser boys were so sweet to make sure the girls didn't jump in the deep end. The girls had been splashing around in their dresses before they got soaked and I striped them down and the boys go "aw how cute they even have matching, er, ah, what are those?"... "Their UNDIES" Jannie told them :)

Maisie flying high in the sky

Cute Ella

Francie pants

Maisie sporting a mohawk- there really is hair coming in!

and if there is a pool around you know Grampa will jump right in to take the girls motorboat-motorboat-go-so-fast-ing!

the crew of BOYS- mostly cousins all the same age range

UJ, Mimi, Andy, Bill (the host of the reception w Kris) and my Dad. I told Mimi this was cute and all but kinda awky since it looks like her brother is her husband and Andy is standing right next to her :)

Andy goes "yeah what the heck!" but UJ eats up the love from his baby sis

Jannie and Mimi- sisterly love

aw more (rare) sisterly love :)