My Favorite Small Stuff

I love having baby girls and just hanging out at home with them most days. We have yet to sign up for one class, group or weekly obligation (except ballet starts back next week) and we decided not to start preschool yet so everyday is a" what should we do today!?" kinda day. Usually we watch some cartoons in the morning while we wait for Maisie to wake up, play around the house and hope no one stops by to catch us in PJ's at 10:30am, get dressed eventually, walk downtown to meet friends for lunch/park/play or head to Menlo to play at Brilliant Babies while I check in and get a few things done (or enjoy a quiet 2-hands lunch with a friend on my own :) I am so excited for fall weather, holiday festivities and getting closer and closer to meeting a brand new baby Heff in 4 months!!! Random pictures of all the random things I don't want to forget...

These girls crack me up- snack time on the kitchen counter for the ragamuffins

Maisie looking like a boy- she had a little diaper situation at BB and the only extra clothes they had that fit her were these little cowboy duds. She looked cute as a boy!

and I love that SOMETIMES Francie will actually look in the direction of my camera and saw "cheeeeese!" Not the best look but I'll take it

and I love the anticipation and wondering if this baby will be a boy or a girl. I really think it's another girl (yesss.. triple matching outfits) but I was wrong on both girls so it's probably a boy this time!

Walks to Shoup Park in the morning that involve no less than two strollers, three baby dolls and my wagon to haul everything when they get tired

The Shoup Park gang just hanging out shooting the breeze on the slides

My nemesis on any given day... sippy cups and bottles ready to be washed (so many parts!)

after: not much makes me happier :)

Francie told me "Mom- Maisie is a little wet, I'm just gonna go change her diaper." Humm, I thought I would let her try and then forgot to go check- Heff called me in to witness this 10 minutes later...

Chasing crazy Maisie who was playing along but not exactly cooperating

until eventually she gave in

New matching Ugg boots ready for the fall weather to kick in! Francie lived in hers last year and they are by far the easiest shoes to slip on everyday. We went with Jannie to get them and the girl asked to measure their feet- I said sure but I think Francie is a 9 and Maisie is a 5. WRONG: Francie is a size 11 and Maisie is a 7! Sorry for binding your feet this summer girls.

Lego, blocks and dolls in a mess (but way more fun that way)

Bedtime. Order is restored

Maisie in her comfy cave- she goes down SO easily most nights* and yes she has a bottle in bed. I know, as Francie says "That's bad." *and if I would have posted this last night I would have guessed I jinxed myself but for some reason last night was not one of those nights and she was up, wide awake with me until 1am!! We caught up on Tivo and played with all Francie's best toys while she wasn't there to claim them out of her little sister's hands.

and my favorite thing about my life right now... having such a helpful, supportive, fun husband! He made this delicious pot roast Thursday night for me to just pop in the slow cooker Friday morning for dinner. He's been so great about taking the girls on adventures or just for the daily grind so I can have some guilt free time to get stuff done. We are a good team working through anything that comes up at work and he's so calm and collected about anything that would otherwise be stressful. And he's such a good dad getting on the floor every night for "jump on dad time", reading books, finding chores for the girls to do when they clean out the garage and being a fun- patient dad.

I love you Heff! (and I forgot to mention he works so hard for our family too - hanging out in his favorite chair after a long day of work and Francie trying to get in as close as she can to her Dad)