Art Morning

A few weeks ago (okay it was August- just realized I never posted this!) our friends surprised us in our PJ's in the morning and kidnapped us to go over their their house for some painting, playdough and art on a sunny morning. The kids were BY CHANCE (I swear!) all in coordinating star PJ's!

Checking out their neighborhood ride!

"This playdough stuff is awesome!"

Emily and Kelly were up at their house too- we compared belly sizes. 30-something weeks, 20-something weeks and teen-something weeks. (I already forget and since Emily's baby is now on the other side this is old news!)

Only when I'm with Anne do pictures get taken of me and the girls!

project heaven for Francie


even clean up was fun. Thanks B! (my favorite part is the WHITE full length curtains tied up everywhere. Paint and toddlers don't really go with those!)