Big Girl Ballet & Tap

Francie started another Ballet AND Tap class, this one in Menlo Park, since her best buddy EK is in this class. We didn't know we needed real tap shoes the first class and she was the only kid without them for the tap part of class! She didn't seem to mind and we got some shiny new black tap shoes from Manny's in Menlo Park the other day. (Heff asked her if she wanted him to tack some old tin cans on her tennies- nice try Dad) I missed pictures of the tap part when I ran to the post office but they are so cute click-clacking around!!

They started class by watching one of the big girl leaders in their class perform her routine- they were in awe of her spins and even a flip!

Francie getting into it.

I didn't know "fists on the hips" was such an important part of ballet ;)

My big girl proud of herself in "Big Girl EK Ballet for 3 year olds"

more moves

Waving to Mom and Jannie watching in the doorway

Soon enough it will be your turn Maisie!