It's a Mary Party

Wednesday night Mary Swanson was in town (from South Korea!) on a recruiting trip and came over to Jannie and Grampa's for a pizza party and to catch up. Last time Mary came to visit she was in High School here with a friend to shop for prom dresses! Her mom, Andy, and my mom met when they were both flight attendants for American Airlines and were roommates together and best friends. They have four kids in their family too- James, Mary, John and Jerry! Sound familiar?! :) It was great to see Mary and hear about her adventures living in Seoul with her husband Andrew. We follow each other's blogs so we feel like we still know each other so well :) Thanks for the fun visit Mary!

sometimes the "everybody get together for a picture shots are more entertaining than the real thing

Mary Patricia helping MaryFrances make her own pizza

FOUR Mary's! (sorry blurry night time pics)

Making pizzas

Francie and Maisie's very own creation.

Grampa taking the girls for a ride!

Silly Maisie